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The State Library
Salted Jira provides the power of Salt directly from within your Jira workflows.

Salted Confluence How-To
The State Library is a Saltstack module that enables adding documentation to Salt states. The purpose of the Salted Confluence module is to display of the State Library (TSL) dynamically in a Confluence space.
Salted Confluence has three components:
- the admin panel
- the TSL Macro and frontend
- and the cache mechanism
To make caching (and thus the whole module) work you have to install two additional components besides Confluence and the Salted Confluence module : MongoDB and Restheart.
Installation instructions
The administration panel
In General configuration menu select Salted Confluence admin:

The administration panel of Salted Confluence module is used to set all the Salt related parameters that is needed to run the TSL module successfully. These are:
- the Salt master URL and port
- username
- password
- the refresh frequency of the TSL cache
- the names of minions or grains used for selecting the minions
All these parameters are used by the caching mechanism when the cache is filled up with data gathered from the Salt service. The TSL frontend itself gets the data from the cache. If there is a change in the Salt infrastructure, one can reset the whole cache using the “Invalidate cache“ button. Be aware: the frontend won’t show the updated information until the cache is filled up again.
Additionally here is the place to set the License key, too.
The TSL frontend
The TSL frontend can be accessed creating a Confluence page and adding the TSL macro:
- Press "Create" - you get to "Add page" page.
- Fill in Title
- In the content press "+" menu icon and press "Other macros" button.

- In the "External content" group select "TSL Macro"

- You see the Macro inserted in the page. Finally press "Publish" button.

- Now you can see the TSL frontend.

If you encounter an error, check that:
- MongoDB is running and the restheart db is filled with data.
- Restheart service is running
- The configuration parameters are set properly in the Confluence TSL admin panel.
The cache mechanism
The information gathered from Salt service is cached in a Mongo database.
Currently the database runs in its default location and port (localhost:27017), which is not configurable.
The cache is refreshed at the rate the user sets at the admin panel. This is supervised by Confluence's own scheduler job.
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